KKKan’t happen here? Don’t count on it
By Jim Windle
It is not an over reaction to be concerned over Saturday’s ragtag militia march past Kanonhstaton by a little more than a dozen hard core disgruntled Caledonians who say they have been abandoned by the OPP and the government.
Neo-nazis come in a variety of disguises according to the Simon Weisenthal Centre, an international anti-racism organization centered in Los Angeles, California.
Especially now in post 9/11 America, ultraconservatives have used the fear created by the incident and which is being sustained in the mainstream media on both sides of the US and Canadian border, to move their “white only” agendas ahead.
Neo-nazi organizations don’t necessarily consist of skinheads wearing brown shirts and a swastika arm band or shrouded in white capes and hoods anymore. They have become much more sophisticated in recent years, but no less dangerous.
A sampling of some of these supremacist organizations includes; “The Order” which Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh followed; the “national Alliance”, known as the most powerful active organization today; “WAR” (White Aryan Resistance); “White Revolution”, organized in 2002 by former high school teacher Billy Roper; the “World Church of the Creator (WCOTC)” created by David Duke, aka “Straight Edge” or “SESH”, created under the disguise of promoting moral teachings for young people; ‘www.strormfront.com’, a website created by Don Black which once proudly advertised and promoted Gary McHale’s Caledonia wake up call website and helped promote his “marches”; the “National Vanguard”, under the leadership of webmaster, Kevin Alfred Strom; “SHARP’S (skinheads against racial prejudice)”; “TRADS”, and the “Canadian Association of Free Expression” led by Paul Fromm, who has been photographed at some of McHale’s Caledonia rallies, only to name a few.
Add to that Ku Klux Klan spin-offs such as the “American Invisible Empire Knights”; the “Aryan Nations Knights”; and its “Church f the Sons of Yahweh”; “Cleveland Knights”; “Confederate Knights of the KKK”, “Keystone Knights of the KKK”, “National Knights of the KKK”, and others.
These are only a few in a disturbingly vibrant subculture, some of which carry benign reputations as organizations of average citizen’s devoted to preserving and protecting their communities.
Ultra-patriot based militia organizations, which generally hide their racist agenda behind an American or Canadian flag, are even more prolific, according to Wiesenthal Centre researchers. “Citizen’s militias attract patriotic Americans (and an increasing number of Canadian patriots), who would normally have shown very little or no interest in extremist group,” the Wiesenthal Centre determined.
They include organizations like MOM (Militia of Montana). Although its founder John Trochmann, denies an affiliation with supremacist groups, he was a keynote speaker at the 1990 Aryan Congress of the USA.
Even a few ultraconservative Christian groups have bought into supremacist ideals. Once such group is known as the “The Christian Identity”. Its founding ideals come from a school of thought made popular by Rev. John Wilson in the 1870’s which preached that Anglo-Saxons were the descendants of the “Ten Lost Tribes of Israel” and therefore, “God’s chosen people”.
In 1946, former KKK firearms instructor, Wesley Swift, started “The Anglo-Saxon Christian Congregation” aka “the Church of Jesus Christ Christian”. This bent theology preaches that hatred of blacks, jews, and other “mud races” as he called them, including North American Indians, is mandated by the Bible and, therefore, “the will of God”. Others include the “Christian Defense League (CDL)” of Louisiana, Richard Kelly Hoskins’ “Phineas Priesthood”, and the “Army of God”.
This list of intricately interwoven website networks set against blacks, jews, gays, onkwehon:weh people, and immigrant minority groups, is staggering and is growing longer every day.
That is the reality. And that is why seemingly insignificant things like Fleming and McHale’s Caledonia Militia are of significance to Six Nations, and to any right thinking Canadian. That is also the reason why hundreds of non-Native allies to Six Nations assembled at Cayuga’s Lions Club Hall, Tuesday night where the Caledonia Militia were setting up a recruiting station.
via: f o r u m . 4 9 t h p a r a l l e l . o r g /
(no direct link, forum has content which some may find hateful, racist, and/or disturbing)
TekaNews (cited as the source for above) http://www.tekanews.com/